Lisa B. Roe Counselling, Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy & Supervision in Rock, Polzeath, Port Isaac, Wadebridge, Padstow, Bodmin, North Cornwall
About me;
I am completely committed and passionate about empowering people towards healing and resolve from emotional and psychological distress. I have particular interests in the recovery from trauma, shame, depression and low self-esteem (the focus of my research at the University of Nottingham).
I have 24 years experience working in clinical practices, health and well-being centres, colleges and universities, private practice and within the community.
My background, prior to working within mental health was in the holistic complimentary field. I now work in private practice in Rock, Cornwall. I work with individuals who seek positive changes to their emotional/mental well-being and lifestyle.
I enjoy working diversely with all who want to help themselves to develop, flourish, thrive and gain resilience. I believe everyone has within themselves the ability to heal and overcome the most traumatic events and personal difficulties. It's EVERYONE's birthright to live a full life and be their whole, true and unique self.
My approach is integrated and draws from western humanistic models of psychological theory, with an Integrative approach to psychotherapy. I work with the mind and body connection; there is a direct connection between the mind and body that many take for granted.
"Only one therapy I know of reaches as deeply into the body as it does the mind, and by reaching for both, touches the soul." Ron Kurtz
I'm totally committed to my on-going personal and professional development.
I have 24 years Professional Training & Experience:
- A Level Psychology (1997-1999)
- Cert: PC Counselling, The University Nottm (1999 - 2001)
- Cert: Relationship Counselling, Relate Program (2001)
- Dip: Counselling & Psychotherapy, Trent University Nottm (2001 - 2003)
- Dip: Clinical Practitioner Hypnotherapy (Distinction) : Nottm (2008 - 2009)
- Foundation Cert: Transactional Analysis, The Berne Institute, Nottm (2010)
- Dip: CBT Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (2010)
- Cert: Hypnoanalysis Free Association (2011)
- Cert: Emotional Freedom Technique (2011)
- Diploma: Neuro Linguistic Programming (2011)
- Cert: EMDR (Eyes Movement Desensitisation Reprogramming) (2012)
- Dip: Psychotherapeutic Clinical Supervision, The Sherwood Institute Nottm (2013)
- M.A: Counselling & Psychotherapy, Nottm University (2011 - 2014)
- Cert: Self Harming, Self Harm UK, (2016)
- Cert: Mindfulness for Well-being and Peak Performance, Monash University (2016)
- Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience: Bessel Van der Kolk (2016)
- Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy (Somatic Healing): Peter Levine (2016)
- Cert: Intensive Trauma Studies: Bessel Van der Kolk (2017)
- Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Intensive Training Course: Eric Gentry (2018)
- EMDR & Mindfulness: Interventions for Anxiety, Depression, Panic, Trauma & Other Disorders: Jamie Marich (2018)
- Complex Trauma & Shame: Somatic Interventions: Janina Fisher (2019)
- Shame and Self Loathing in the Treatment of Trauma: Janina Fisher (2019)
- Mindsight and Neuroplasticity for healing Trauma: Dan Siegel (2020)
- Expert Strategies for Working with Imposter Syndrome: Nicabm (2020)
- Expert Strategies for working with Traumatic Memory: Nicabm (2020)
- Expert Strategies to Help Develop Tolerance for Emotional Destress: Nicabm (2021)
- Working with the Pain of Abandonment: Nicabm (2021)
- Working with Emotional Triggers: Nicabm (20201)
- Expert Strategies for Working with Anxiety: Nicabm (2021)
- How to Work with Clients Who Struggle with an Inner Critic: Nicabm (2021)
- Working With Core Beliefs of “Never Good Enough”: Nicabm (2022)
- Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma: Nicabm (2022)
- Treating Severe Trauma: Pat Ogden (2023)
- How To Work With Patients Whose Trauma Triggers Problems in Their Current Relationships: Nicabm (2024)
Other Training Days and Seminars: - Maturity in Congruence: Gill Wyatt (1999)
- Counselling and Spirituality: Sheila Tebbatt (2001)
- Dialogues with the Person-Centred Approach: Keith Tudor (2001)
- Group Process Gill Wyatt (2002)
- Group Process: Sheila Haugh (2003)
- Mediation Summary of achievement: Broxtowe Borough Mediation Service (2003)
- Energy Awareness: Rose Cameron (2009)
- ITA 101 Transactional Analysis: The Berne Institute (2009)
- Time Scope Therapy: Ian Stewart The Berne Institute (2012)
- Mindful Medicine: Dr K. E Neil Nottingham (2012)
- TA Process Therapy Group: Adrienne Lee The Berne Institute (2013)
- Trauma, Dissociation & Recovery: PODS (2015)
- The Body Keeps The Score: Bessel Van Der Kolk (2016)
- Rewiring The Brain: Neuro Feedback: Bessel Van Der Kolk (2016)
- Trauma & the Body, Somatisation & Dissociation: PODS (2016)
- Mindfulness & Awareness: The Sharpham Trust (2016)
- Relational Mindfulness: Sue Parker Hall (2016)
- How PTSD Affects The Mind: Alexander Mcfarlane (2017)
- Understanding Trauma through the Polyvagal Theory: Stephen Porges (2017)
- Trust & Meanings, Parent and Child Interactions: Ed Tronick (2017)
- How PTSD Affects Mind, Brain & Biology: Alexander Mcfarlane (2017)
- Environment & Attachment Patterns: Stephen Suomi (2017)
- Transgenerational Transmissions of Trauma: Rachel Yehuda (2017)
- Mindfulness Healing and Transformation: Jon Kabat-Zinn (2017)
- Life, Life Energy & Grounding: Ken Mellor (2017)
- The State of our Art: Bessel Van Der Kolk & Daniel Siegel (2017)
Lisa is an incredible therapist. I was assigned Lisa by an insurance company, following a very traumatic car accident in 2015, which resulted in a long rehabilitation process both physically and mentally. When Lisa met me, I was completely broken and could not see any hope of a future. I was very closed off, and reluctant to see a therapist. I was incredibly fragile, temporarily disabled and struggling with the fallout of the accident and how my life had changed. I was dealing with PTSD, as well as anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and pain. I was awaiting a court case, further surgery and didn't know if I would ever be able to work again. I also had incredibly low-self-esteem and was dealing with disordered eating.
Despite learning about PTSD at University during my Psychology degree, I felt as if I had gone crazy. Lisa is incredibly knowledgeable and her expansive study in the field of trauma and healing shows. She was able to explain to me what was happening for me and why, and for the first time since the accident I felt helpable and no longer alone. She reassured me that how I felt was normal, and that she could help me to feel better. To which she did and I honestly can't express how much Lisa's support helped me to get through that darkest chapter in my life. She helped me feel content, happy, and at peace again. She taught me techniques and gave me tools and new ways of addressing and looking at things which have continued to help me since stopping therapy with her three years ago, as I felt I no longer needed it. I am now mentally well again and have been so inspired by Lisa I am pursuing a career in psychotherapy. Lisa is kind, caring, and friendly. She is someone you feel at ease and safe with in her presence, even when discussing personal matters or processing traumatic incidents. She is a highly intuitive and skilled practitioner and I felt fully held during her sessions. She has a huge plethora of techniques in her toolkit to help and work with you to provide the best level of help and support. I recommend Lisa to everyone I know and I can't honestly recommend her enough. I will always be grateful for everything she has done for me.
K. Stephens
Dear Lisa, many thanks for all your support through my hard times. I think your so insightful, inspiring and have great empathy for others. These are such a precious gifts. I’m thankful for you!
Lisa, thank you - I feel I’ve learnt so much from you. The depth of your knowledge and expertise shines out together with your kindness, care and authenticity.
Thank you Lisa for your kindness, support and gentle help you gave me when I was feeling unsettled. I’m feeling better and back to keeping up with my grandchildren again. Being able to talk things through helped me. I’m now more resourceful and resilient. My sincere thanks to you!
Lisa, thank you for supporting me through my degree. Just letting you know I’ve passed my final exams and I now work in a lovely private hospital where I am able to offer patients support and quality care. This establishment really believes in looking after their staff - I love it! Thank you for your help getting me through all the stress of my exams and pre-reg.
Lisa, thank you so much for all your help and support. You’ve been a lighthouse in a rather stormy sea. Thank you for showing me what a healthy relationship looks like. I’m now beginning to see other healthy relationships and for this I must thank you. You have brought so much deeper meaning into my life and I’m forever grateful.
Lisa worked with me to acknowledge, lean safety into, learn to manage and even overcome, deep seated childhood trauma, an abusive marriage and long term grief associated with the process of caring for my mother and her dementia. Lisa’s patient, gentle acceptance, deep understanding and total professionalism were a constant reassurance in a very difficult world. I always felt she had my back. When I needed to learn to manage underlying triggers and associations, she would have something new or something to fall back on, when I was at risk of being unsafe. I can offer a heartfelt recommendation for her and her work, with very deep gratitude and much love. It changed my life.
Sally Kulasegram
BA. Dip Tcug. Kinesiologist, Natural Health Practitioner/Instructor
My hypno birthing sessions with Lisa were the best investment for giving birth I could have made. The sessions with Lisa were a joy to attend as I always left feeling relaxed and empowered. That feeling remained with me throughout my labour. From the start of labour to giving birth in water, I felt truly calm and in control. The techniques I’d received from the sessions meant I was able to remain focused, relaxed and never needed the need for pain relief. I recommend this to everyone!
Lisa Stephens (Mind, Body, Dance).
"Lisa is an exceptionally insightful, sensitive and effective therapist. I arrived at my first session deeply mistrustful of the whole idea of therapy, and found myself in the hands of someone who understood my concerns and needs. From struggling (and frequently failing) to look after my mental health, I was able to develop coping tools and confidence, to the point that I have come to embrace setbacks in my personal and work life. I feel strong again, and I ascribe that to the impact of the precious hours I have spent with Lisa and her remarkable ability to empathise, challenge and champion me. She saw beneath the surface, enabled me to understand and learn, and prepared me to go back into the fray with confidence and positivity."
The improvement that working with Lisa has made in my life is beyond words. I have serve trauma, abuse and health difficulties to deal with. Using a wide variety of techniques, Lisa has stood by my side and helped me to identify, unravel and deal with a number of core issues. My concerns and views are always respected by Lisa, she helps me to find my own way, a way I can work with and feel comfortable. She has empowered me to begin to enjoy life rather than existing. Lisa truly cares and wants to help, her wisdom is wrapped in goodness.
Dear Lisa, thank you for not failing in ways I have experienced by others in the past whose help I've sort. I truly appreciate your support and ability to hold so much in a challenging space. I'm not sure how you do it.
Katy x
Somethings can't be put into words, like a voice that can't be heard. It can't be heard for it can't speak, it has no energy - it's weak.
For many years it's tried in vain, to be listened to, to express it's pain, but it's been pushed down, it's been ignored, causing frustration, turmoil, discord. It wants to talk - it wants to shout but it can not find it's way out. A gentle soul with goodness inside, told me it's ok, my voice can come outside. A whisper first and then a shout, I'm back in the room now you've helped me out. You've helped me to overcome my fears and doubts. You've really listened to what it's all about.....priceless :) You've helped me to 'wake up and live'.
It has been a privilege to work with Lisa. She is strong and supportive, yet so sensitive. Her person-centred qualities enabled me to feel completely at ease, encouraging me to explore my depths, process insecurities and the fears and doubts which prevented me from having a positive life. In course I now have the self-esteem within myself to accomplish my goals, rethink my business and relationships for the better.
"You're the best medicine I could of ever had!". "I honestly think coming to see you has been the best decision I ever made".
Lisa is an excellent listener. I had Counselling after my marriage had broken down and Lisa helped me restore my lost confidence in myself and within weeks I was able to shift myself forward. My thinking became clearer, my attitude towards my future more positive. Without receiving Counselling I'd be still set in my old thinking and behaviour patterns. Thanks Lisa.
I went to see Lisa when I was struggling with marital problems. I was unhappy and bewildered by how I could begin to deal with the problems I had. Not only have I now learnt more about myself, I now have attained new and useful coping skills and the resources and strength to move forward. Seeking help transformed my whole life for the better.
Lisa has a caring nature and is knowledgeable beyond her years. She has helped me to overcome issues concerning my weight and self-esteem. Lisa is naturally non-judgemental and has helped me find better outcomes, gain self awareness of my own capabilities and progress to a happier life.
I suffered for years with painful feet and numb toes, I even saw a neurologist and still the problem wasn't resolved. I saw Lisa and she helped using EMDR and EFT and only after one treatment I never suffered again. I would recommend her to anyone with similar problems. It was the best thing I ever did.
The first word that comes to mind when I think of Lisa is integrity (the quality of being and fair). I believe this to be a vital component of the therapeutic setting. Lisa is one of the warmest and professional therapists I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Her approach is professional whilst she allows you the confidence to re-evaluate your needs with her in a non judgemental way at all times. She is flexible and gives freely her time and very extensive knowledge and expertise to helping people towards their goals. Above all, Lisa is easy to be with. I have no hesitation going to Lisa in matters regarding my well-being and recommend her to you most sincerely.
Kim Thomas BA (hons),Dip Hyp, Dip NLP
Some times I turn inwardly, retreating into a dark yet safe and familiar place. I cut myself off and fear I will get lost and never come back. It's a lonely and sad place of my creation. It goes back to my childhood and how I survived and coped with life. Sometimes it's so automatic for me to do this, I am unaware I am doing it or where I have been, until I emerge again.
It's comforting because when I go into this I always know that Lisa is there and waiting for me to connect and communicate again, when I am ready. She is respectful of my space, understanding and compassionate and keen to help me explore where I have been. Her positive approach and emphasis on my strengths, and who I am, brings me back from that place. It's like she throws me a rope and hoists me out, I return to the human race again and feel a part of things. Through her support I emerge feeling stronger and wiser, having gained valuable insights into where I have been and what took me there. She always helps me to feel okay, no matter what it is that I have gone through. That is such a rare and important gift. I am extremely thankful to Lisa and what she brings to this world and myself in particular, and often wonder where I would be without her.
Claire Cross C Dip COT, Dip Hyp, Dip NLP
Lisa helped me when I was struggling to complete my University qualification. I was stuck, struggling to progress and wasn't certain why. I learnt quickly what my blocks to learning were and began to understand quickly that it was possible to change my thinking and behaviour. I'm still amazed by what I've achieved. I progressed to completion and graduate soon!!! I now believe that anything is possible and I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. Most importantly I learnt how to believe in myself. It's incredible!
Lisa provides a caring, relaxing and Professional Hypnotherapy treatment and I felt the benefits almost immediately. I would recommend Lisa to anyone who is struggling with emotional issues or problems or just when you feel you've hit a brick wall. Some how the Hypnotherapy process unravels and releases, enabling you to cope - almost as it a weights been lifted from your shoulders.
I have known Lisa both personally and professionally for many years now. She's helped me using Hypnotherapy, hypno-birthing and EFT. Lisa has the ability to make one feel completely at ease and provides the safe space where one can express your inner most feelings. During my pregnancy with my first child I was naturally anxious about giving birth. Lisa helped with Hypno-birthing which helped me feel calm, prepared me for labour and gave me the experience and control I wanted. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Katie Banton Dip Hyp, CS Ad, Dip Cp
After spending years suffering from anxiety, I'm relieved to say Lisa helped me see light at the end of tunnel. Lisa has amazing empathy and a kind heart.
I suffered for years with Depression, my energy was low and I lost my motivation. I kept my suffering to myself in fear that family and friends wouldn't accept me if they knew of my struggles. My life began to change when I began to see Lisa. She immediately helped me to feel at ease and her acceptance for me, helped me to accept myself. I'm relieved to say that all those years of feeling in the dark are behind me. I'm now happy and able to get on with my life with strategies and a new understanding of myself. I would recommend Lisa to anyone who are unfortunate to be feeling the way I did.
Lisa is an accomplished Counsellor who is responsible, thoughtful and committed to the Profession. Her nature is such that she is caring and none judgemental which enables her to work with sensitive issues and vulnerable people. Her warmth immediately puts one at ease. She is encouraging and motivating and her sensitivity and empathy helped me to believe in myself and celebrate the positives.
Stephanie Jeans MA, BA (HDE), Dip, MBACP
I met Lisa when I came to Nottingham to do the Masters in Counselling. She is truly amazing. I've had many conversations, serious, silly, embarrassing, painful, everything. She's a brilliant listener and very genuine. She is easy to talk to because she makes you feel important. She’s beautiful inside and out.
Ann mary Jose MA
Having spent considerable time working alongside Lisa at University I have witnessed her ability to put one at ease is natural in Lisa. Above all, her non-judgemental stance builds space and trust in the therapy to releases one's troubles in the safe environment she creates. Lisa also has an impressive academic record which underpins her Professional practice. Consequently, she supported me personally with my research whilst studying for my masters degree.
Jennifer Bolland BA (hons), MA, MBACP
Lisa is an excellent listener and a very Professional perceptive and compassionate Counsellor. Lisa makes goals become reality. I can't say enough good things about her.
I welcome any testimonial my clients would like to add to this page. Please email me your testimonial. Warmest regards Lisa x
Psychotherapy/Counselling & Hypnotherapy in Rock, Wadebridge, Port Isaac, Polzeath, Padstow, Bodmin, North Cornwall.